Welcome to a new era of the NDK Art Gallery!  

The Art Gallery at Nan Desu Kan is located in Artist Alley. The Gallery is first-come, first-serve; participation in the Gallery is open to any member of the convention staff, volunteer, or convention attendee. Please read all requirements before submitting your application below. 


Hours of Public Operation:

Friday :       3 pm-8 pm
Saturday :   10 am – 7 pm
Sunday :     10 am – 4 pm

Artist Check-In / Pick-Up:
Check in: Friday 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Check out: Sunday 2:00pm – 4:00 pm


Art Gallery Submission Times:


Submissions open on April 3rd 2024 and close on August 10th 2024




Space for selling:

  • $50 for an art flat.  
  • $25 for two Shelves
  • $50 for four shelves

For all sizes of the art flats and shelving, please see the Space section.


Space for Displaying Not-for-Sale Art  -OR-  For Artists under the age of 13:





  • Art may only be entered by the artist and/or an acting agent on behalf of the artist with the artist’s explicit permission. 
  • Art Submissions will be collected and a staff member will reach out requesting review of the Art pieces being submitted. Art WIPS are okay to begin the process of approval. All pieces must follow the same rules that the Artist Alley uses. Please review the rules here.
  • There are two forms of submission.
    • Paid: Paid for flats are for artists wishing to sell their pieces to the public. Artists are required to have a website to sell their pieces (please scroll down to see suggestions on websites below). The artist will need to create a QR code linking back to their website to sell their art piece(s). It is up to the artist on how they want to sell their pieces on their own websites. Once QR codes are created for the art pieces prior to the convention starting, the art Gallery will create a book with the QR codes provided. If the QR codes are not provided before the convention starts, they will not be added to the book. Space is limited in the Art Gallery
    • Free: Free flats are for artists that are not wanting to sell their pieces, but want to display their artwork. An image is required prior to the convention for approval. Artists will need to provide their signature name for their pieces. No QR codes are allowed for these pieces. If any information/QR code is added to the piece, this will be removed and kept safely with a staff member. If it is attached to the piece and unable to be removed, the whole piece will be removed from the gallery and kept safely with a staff member. Space is limited in the Art Gallery
  • Artists that are selling in the Art Gallery are required to have a website to sell their art on. This link must be provided with the application. Please keep in mind using Social Media like Facebook MarketPlace or Instagram may limit the traffic to the art pieces being sold. Please scroll further down to see suggestions on websites.
  • If an artist would like to auction off their art pieces, the artist will need to provide a direct link and QR code to the auction for the piece being sold. NanDesuKan will not hold the auction for the artist.
  • Applications will be reviewed and a lottery drawn if applicable. Notice will be sent in an email when the application is received by a staff member. *This does not mean you are automatically approved to be in the Gallery.*
  • An id must be presented when submitting art to the Art gallery staff on site of the convention. This must match the submitter and/or the agent on the application. An ID will be required upon pickup and will only be released to the submitting artist and/or the listed agent.
  • Any art that is not picked up by either the artist or the agent by 4:00 PM on Sunday may be donated to our Charity Auction or discarded one week after the Convention.




Themes: Any art with themes in science fiction, horror, fantasy, and anime genres are welcome.


Accepted Mediums: Drawing and Sketches; Paintings; CGI or digital; hand-created items including Needle Point, Knitting, Sculpture, Paper Craft, Casting, etc. Photography may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


Size and weight: Size limitations may apply. If being displayed on the art flats, size may not exceed 6ft in height, 2ft in width 15 lbs. If being displayed on shelves, pieces may not exceed 14 in h x 14.5 in w x 13 L and not exceeding 25 lbs.


Hardware: The Art Gallery provides basic hardware to display on metal grid surfaces. The artist will need to supply any hardware or special apparatus for work that requires special care or display. Spacing of the grid squares is 2inx2in. 




–  Flat or 2-D Entries must be mounted on firm backing, framed, matted, or made otherwise suitable for hanging. This must be included when submitting the application. If the entry is deemed to exceed size and weight limitations, the Art Gallery staff has the right to refuse a piece determined unsuitable or unstable for display. For safety reasons, we will not allow submissions that contain glass or porcelain. Note – The Art Gallery is located in Artist Alley on solid concrete floors. Any glass/porcelain can shatter and cause injury to other attendees (especially service animals). We do not want your beautiful pieces to break in case an accident were to occur.

–  3D submissions cannot sit on the floor or lean unsupported against walls.

–  Jewelry should be displayed on cloth or platforms that raise it from the table. You must supply your own display stands.

–  The Art Gallery staff may grant exceptions for freestanding submissions. Please provide the picture in the submission or provide them when asked upon confirmation.

–  Prints & Reproductions: Prints and reproductions are accepted, however, only one copy may be displayed for the duration of the Gallery.




Artists who have bought space in the Artists Alley may display or sell art in the Art Gallery (Artist must pay for a space if intending to sell art in the Art Gallery ) as long as it meets the above criteria. However, we ask that the art you display is different from the pieces sold in the Artists Alley, either in media (such as showing an original versus a print), subject, or size. At least 50% of the art displayed in the Art Gallery  must be for sale if you have space in the Artists Alley.


For more information about reserving space in Artist Alley, see nandesukan.org/activities/artists-alley for details.




Due to limited space, please respect the following requirements:

  • Panels / 2-D : Each Panel is 2ft x 6ft panel on which to hang art, with a maximum of 20 pieces or 15lbs
  • 3-D display : For 3-D art, each artist is allowed a maximum display space of  14 in h x 14.5 in w x 13 L and not exceeding 25 lbs area of a shelf.


All art pieces will need to go through an approval process for both 2-D and 3-D for both size, and weight.


Artists that bring pieces in after submissions are closed, will be reviewed on site and if space is available, to be displayed not sold. No QR code will be provided and any information for selling or contact will not be displayed.




A swipe is a reproduction of a copyrighted work without permission of the artist, and is a copyright infringement. This can include copying or tracing official art, fan art, or screen shots. Any piece that is determined to be a swipe or an infringement on copyright will be removed from

display and returned to the artist. This policy is effective for both Senior and Junior Artists.




AI art is not allowed in the Artist Gallery. This will count as an automatic disapproval for entry. 




Awards are given for the following Art Gallery  categories: Best in Show, and Happun Award, 2nd Place, and 3rd Place. “Best In Show”, 2nd place, and 3rd place are voted in by the convention attendees with the highest votes. Prizes and awards are determined at the convention and may be subject to change from year to year. 


Best in Show – $200.00

Happun Award – $50.00

2nd Place – Ribbon and a Certificate

3rd Place – Ribbon and a Certificate


Voting will close on Sunday at 11 am.


RATED “T” for “TEEN”


The Art Gallery staff reserves the right to refuse any submissions depicting themes that exceed “TEEN” rating. The ESRB defines “TEEN” rating as “content that is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.” This means anything that is considered 18+ will not be accepted into the Gallery to be displayed.




The artist, when they are signing up to sell their art in the Art Gallery, can choose an art flat or a Shelving unit. 


All art must be submitted prior to the convention with a clear picture of the art piece, a QR code (that links back to the art piece) and a link that goes directly to the piece being sold. A notebook will be with the Art Gallery staff table with the information provided. If this information is not provided prior to the convention, and approval is given on site for pieces being sold, these pieces will not be added to the book.


Art Gallery and Art Gallery staff are caretakers of the Gallery. Staff is not responsible for pieces being sold or advertised. Staff can only provide information that the Artist/Agent has provided.


Art will be displayed throughout the weekend on the displayed flats and cannot be removed until the end of Art Gallery at 2:00 pm on Sunday. If the artist is not able to stay till the designated pick up time, this may affect the chances of being voted ‘Best in show’, any other prizes being provided.


It is up to the artist to maintain all communication with potential buyers. The artist also reserves the right to choose who they want to sell their pieces to or if they decline all sales on any piece. Art may not be handed to the buyer during con and must be organized between the buyer and artist for pick up once the Gallery has closed on Sunday at 2pm.


Once the Art Gallery has closed the artist must come pick up their artwork no later than 4:00 pm

It is the responsibility of the artist to get any sold pieces of artwork to the buyer after the convention.




There are many choices that an artist can choose from to make a site to sell their artwork on. This includes social media. Here are some suggestions on websites that the artist could use to sell their artwork on. *Note – Not all websites suggested are free websites. Please do further research to find the best website to use for your purposes. NanDesuKan is not responsible for choices regarding website choices.*





Square Online

WOO Commerce Online





If the artist chooses to sell pieces on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, or any other applicable type of social media, please be aware that some potential buyers do not use these types of sites.



Did you want to still have an auction on your piece? Here are some website suggestions to sign up for so you can auction a piece of art off. Please keep in mind that, as the artist, the rules do still apply that the artist is in charge of managing their bids with any potential buyers. A QR code must be attached to the piece linking back to the auction. *Note – Not all websites suggested are free websites. Please do further research to find the best website to use for your purposes. NanDesuKan is not responsible for choices regarding website choices.*



Air Auctioneer







Art flats to display 2-D



Whole Shelving unit: $50.00

Half Shelving unit: $25.00


Pricing on all artwork is at the discretion of the artist. It is up to the artist to price their artwork and display it properly on their website. If the artist wants to do their own bidding, it is up to the artist to maintain their bids.


Display size guide: 

Flats –  2ft wide x 6ft tall Not exceeding 15lbs

Shelves – 14 in h x 14.5 in w x 13 L not exceeding 25 lbs




You are not required to sell your art for it to be allowed in the Art Gallery. Please use the “NFS” (Not For Sale) entry forms for your entries. NFS can be brought to the Art Gallery for submission on site, approval will be needed before pieces can be displayed. 


Unless the artist signed up prior to submissions closing (two weeks before the convention starts), art pieces will not be accepted past the setup deadline on Friday at 2:30 pm.




Damage & Theft: The Art Gallery staff will safeguard all entries to the best of their ability. NDK’s Artist Alley and Gallery has dedicated security staff dedicated to ensure the safety and protection of all convention participants. However: by submitting you work into the Art Gallery, you waive any liability on the part of NDK to any damage or loss of your art.


Storage: Room permitting, we will attempt to make room to store any containers or folios used to transport art, only. You must speak with a staff member to obtain permission before doing so. Due to liability, we will not store luggage, food, goods bought at the convention, or any other kind of personal items. Any items that have not been cleared by a staff member will either be discarded or brought to Lost & Found.


Handling & Displaying: Convention attendees are forbidden to touch, manipulate, or move any art work without prior permission from the staff or the artist. The Art Gallery Staff may handle, move, or reposition art pieces during the Art Gallery to maximize space for all entries. Our staff are artists and art fans as well, and we take the greatest care to protect the art as as much as possible.






NDK used to have a Silent Art Auction, what happened to it?

Unfortunately due to legal reasons, NDK cannot operate as a 3rd party going between buyer and seller.


NDK used to never require a website to sell my art pieces before, why start now?

Because NDK can no longer act as a 3rd party, we wanted to empower the artist to set their own prices and be able to handle the transaction with the buyer themselves. That way all information is accurate coming straight from the artist to the buyer.  This also means no commission fees; artists keep 100% of their sales. 


Why do I need to provide my artwork for approval prior to the convention?

We want to make sure that the rules are being followed. There have been times in the past when an artist submitted things that should not have been in the Gallery. Art Gallery follows the same rules as Artist Alley, so please be sure to check out the rules. When in doubt, please ask us so we can clarify any concerns you may have. The only exception to this rule is that no glass or ceramic style pieces are allowed in the gallery for safety reasons.